Barclay House provides a safe and therapeutic environment in which a dedicated team will support you on your Brain Injury Rehabilitation journey.
Acquired brain injury (ABI) refers to any type of brain damage that occurs after birth. It can include damage sustained by infection, disease, lack of oxygen or a blow to the head.
We recognise that you should only be in inpatient services for the minimum amount of time necessary and we will engage with your community team to support a safe discharge into the community.
We aim to put you at the centre of your rehabilitation, supporting you to live as independently as possible.

Our Services
Providing a safe and therapeutic environment in which a dedicated team will support you on your Brain Injury Rehabilitation journey.
Barclay House is a 29 bedded service
set over two floors with three distinct accommodation suites.
We employ a wide range of staff in order to provide the very best support and care to service users in our facilities.

Contact Plans4Rehab
Barclay House
165 Barclay Street
0116 255 3039
If you would like to make a referral, please send details to our team at info@plans4rehab.com
Alternatively, please fill out the below form and one of the team will get back in touch shortly.